Fruit of the Spirit

A few weeks ago, Pastor Tom started a series on the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  In his first sermon, he read from Galatians 5:16-25 to provide some context for the series.  Then he provided a brief introduction to the topic of “the fruit of the Spirit”, including an excellent quote from Jay Adams’ Christian Counselor’s Commentary on Galatians:

Now, in contrast, Paul sets forth (again, non-exhaustively) the “fruit of the Spirit.” By “fruit” he means the result of the work of the Holy Spirit within. While we may take credit for the works of the flesh, we may not take credit for the fruit of the Spirit for which He must be praised. That doesn’t mean that there is no work on your … part in cultivating and harvesting this fruit. Indeed, elsewhere, Paul speaks of the “pursuit” of such fruit (I Timothy 6:11). It is a joint venture in which the Spirit pro­vides both the desire and the ability for you to do as He pleases (Cf. Phil­ippians 2:13). Neither extreme of the swing of the pendulum is biblical. The Christian does not produce righteousness by his own, unaided efforts. Nor does the Spirit produce it for him, instead of him, Together, as the Spirit gives wisdom, encouragement and power, the fruit grows. Christian responsibility thus is not impaired.

Regarding love as a fruit of the Spirit, Pastor Tom looked first at our culture’s confusion about what love is, then love’s inner work and outward expression. Finally, he pointed us to the gospel:

Do you see how he gave us the Spirit as a gift to bring this fruit out of us?

So, in those times when you have pushed back against the Spirit and have evidenced the fruit of the flesh return to your Savior.  Flee to the one who died for you.  Embrace his sacrifice.  Seek to love him as he has loved you, and then purpose in your heart to cooperate with the Spirit and live in love, both in its inner aspect and its outer expression.

Pray for this.

You can listen to the message here:

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