Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Sunday’s sermon was about peace – specifically peace as a fruit of the Spirit.  Pastor Tom has prepared some study questions to review the main themes of the sermon.  He has actually been preparing these kinds of questions for several years and including them with the Sermon Outline and Family Catechism Study (a.k.a. “the tan sheet”).  We’ll try to post some of these questions to the blog if people find that helpful.  Feel free to respond in the comments section.

  1. Read Galatians 5 and review your sermon notes.  Why is peace with God so important?
  2. Read Psalm 3 and 4.  These were probably a single psalm at one time.  What was David going through?  Where does he find peace?
  3. Read Isaiah 26.  What is necessary to be at peace?

If you missed Sunday’s sermon you can listen to it here:

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